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Case Study

Read this case study report to appreciate how an outside perspective can spark creative solutions despite the circumstances or the unfamiliarity with the challenge at hand. At the end of the process, the reward of meeting your objectives makes it all worthwhile. Thanks to the leadership team at Yonkers Public Schools for trusting us with this important project. A special thanks to Insight CPE for their professionalism in documenting this report.

Create the Solution

When the Manager of Administration at Yonkers PublicSchools needed to adapt the customary in-person annual SchoolChoice enrollment program during the COVID-19 pandemic, EfficientAdvice provided the expertise to remotely achieve the school district’s objectives.

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Crea la Solución

Cuando la Gerente de Administración de las Escuelas Públicas de Yonkers necesitó adaptar el programa de inscripción anual al proceso de Selección de Escuelas, habitualmente en persona, durante la pandemia deCOVID-19, Efficient Advice proporcionó la experiencia para lograrlos objetivos del distrito escolar de forma remota.

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